Roast My Job Application

Roast My Job Application

Get brutally honest feedback on your cover letter with Ubel, the sarcastic recruiter from Coda AI.


What is Roast My Job Application?

Roast My Job Application is a fun and brutally honest tool that allows you to submit your cover letter and receive feedback from Ubel, the most sarcastic and unapologetic recruiter. Ubel is not here for any BS job applications and is ready to give you Gordon Ramsay-style feedback. Built with Coda AI, this tool uses advanced language processing to provide insightful critiques of your cover letter. Whether you've written your letter with GPT or from scratch, be prepared for some tough love and constructive criticism from Ubel. It's the perfect way to toughen up your job application game and refine your writing skills with a humorous twist.

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