

Automate customer data collection and document management with Sonny9


What is Sonny9?

Sonny9 is an AI tool that transforms how CPAs, auditors, and tax preparers collect and manage client data. It automates document gathering, validates submissions, and generates checklists. With real-time follow-ups and seamless QuickBooks integration, Sonny9 enhances productivity and improves client service. By providing insights and saving time, this tool helps accounting professionals focus on what matters most—growing their business and serving clients effectively.

Top Features

  • Automated checklist generation for efficient workflows.
  • Real-time document validation and follow-ups.
  • Seamless integration with QuickBooks.
  • Data extraction into CSV format.
  • Insightful analysis for high-level consulting.
  • Flags missing documents to avoid delays.
  • Saves up to 4 hours per client monthly.


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