Ask AI by Coora

Ask AI by Coora

Enhance Shopping Experience with AI-Powered Q&A Chatbot


What is Ask AI by Coora?

Ask AI by Coora offers an innovative AI chatbot to elevate your shopping experience. It answers product queries quickly and accurately. Available on the Shopify App Store, this tool ensures customization to fit your brand. With multilingual support, it serves a global audience while prioritizing data security. Choose from a free version or a usage-based plan, perfect for businesses of any size. Experience seamless shopping today!

Top Features

  • AI-powered Q&A for quick product responses.
  • Available on the Shopify App Store.
  • Customizable to match your brand's design.
  • Supports multiple languages for global reach.
  • Adheres to strict data security standards.
  • Offers both free and usage-based plans.
  • Backed by dedicated support and documentation.


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Ask AI by Coora



Paid plan starts from $1

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